Often on the internet you will find a great piece of work. Italian graphic designer Emanuele Abrate decided to give us a graphic representation of the fonts used in some of the most famous logos. His creation, well… we will leave words speak out. A simple way for you to see which font was used. And a simple way to see how the font was edited. You can see the work of Emanuele on his Behance profile. For now, let’s dig into the designs and fonts.
With the words of Emanuele:
Often when we see a logo, a question arises:
“Which font was used?”
In this project I did some research on the logos of some of the most famous brands, trying to understand which font they use or which have been modified to get to the final result.
You can see the full project on the following link
Nike – Font:Futura
Red Bull – Font: Futura BQ
Starbucks – Font: Freightsans black
YouTube – Font: Alternate Gothic
Airbnb- Font: LL Brown
Netflix- Font: Bebas Neue